Our desire is to equip you on your journey to FOLLOW JESUS + SHARE HIS STORY! The Anthem School of Discipleship will equip you to live with purpose, thrive spiritually, and share your faith with confidence.
The school will consistently release new courses that are self-paced, easily accessible, and free! Each session includes video teaching, an application guide, and reflection questions. We invite you to begin your journey today!
Welcome to the How to Pray Track of the Anthem School of Discipleship. Our goal in this track is to equip you with simple yet powerful strategies to invigorate your prayer life. Join us on this journey as we ask Jesus to teach us to pray.
This digital course introduces the foundations of Christian discipleship. Pastor Brad covers six foundational practices that will help you gain a deeper understanding of the Christian life & a clear way to grow in your relationship with Jesus.
Welcome to Growth Track! Growth Track is a three-part process that we believe will help you find your place at Anthem and get you growing in the right direction. After much conversation and experience, we believe that people grow best when they CATCH THE VISION for their life, GET CONNECTED with a church family, and MAKE A DIFFERENCE with their life by using their gifts and joining God’s mission.
What is the Bible? Why does studying the Bible matter? How do I build personal Bible reading habits? How can I begin to understand the Bible? These are all questions that are answered in this 4-session course called "How to Study the Bible."
Do you ever struggle to share your faith? This track will help you understand how to share your faith in a powerful and practical way. Join Pastor Andrew Hahn for this four-session track called: How to Share Your Faith.