Imagine entering a great banquet hall in Heaven. Maybe you feel out of place. Maybe you feel ashamed, Maybe you feel proud. But there is seat there with a placecard that says your name. A table with all the best china and silver set for you. Jesus is not concerned by your past, just what you choose to do with it moving forward. He is welcoming you to His table—however imperfect you might feel. Will you sit with Him?
Many believers lose their passion over time. Study the lives of people in the Bible; it seems that very few finish well. That’s a scary reality. Now, imagine a life where your faith is as vibrant as the day you first believed. A life where your love for Jesus grows deeper with each passing year. There are three essential life-changing habits that will keep you walking with Jesus for a lifetime. These aren't just a set of rules; they're the keys to unlocking the joy, peace, and purpose that come from a genuine relationship with God. And they will inspire you to live in a way that makes you come alive!
Busyness is an epidemic. As Christians we must carve out time to focus on our walk with Christ or life will run away with us. Join us for a week of prayer and fasting as we start off this new year with a renewed passion for God. By quieting the normal inputs in our lives, God is given a chance to speak to us in a different way than we might expect. We look forward to hearing what God does in your life during SEEK WEEK, starting January 5th.
Angels played a key role in the story of Jesus’ birth. Sure, God could have sent his son into the world without them, but imagine the inner turmoil and confusion for Mary and Joseph if angels hadn’t shown up to declare the Hope that was coming. They led the way for the shepherds to celebrate the coming of Christ, the angels brought comfort, guidance, purpose and joy to the miraculous birth. Even more importantly they gave us an example of praise and worship to the King of Kings. Join us for our Christmas Series, Messengers of Hope, as we look at the Christmas story through the perspective of the angels.
It’s the ultimate NOT to-do list for life. But how do these words etched in stone a lifetime ago truly apply to today’s day-in and day-out? For nine weeks we will study each commandment and what God was trying to teach the Israelites at the time as well as make it practical for life now.
We are called to let our light shine before others, so they may see our good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven. Join us next week as we launch an important series around Anthem called City on a Hill. Together, we'll go through our anthems and reaffirm our commitment to be a bright, visible, and impactful light of Jesus' hope to our city and the world around us!
Join us for our two-week series led by Bobby Hughes, “The Me + We of Following”, as we look at how our relationship with Christ is intended to be both deeply personal and highly communal at the same time.
Hey Church! We’ve got a fun summer series in store for you called Summer Jams. We’ll be connecting worship songs directly to scripture during this 6 week series. Come + be encouraged through song + God’s word.
Catastrophe and Kindness is a series where we will uncover timeless truths from the book of Ruth that resonate deeply with our human experience—discovering how opportunities for kindness can be embraced even in the middle of catastrophes. Join us for this 5 week series as we journey alongside the characters of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz as they challenge us that even in the darkest times, kindness can bring hope and impact those around us for generations to come.
From the whispers of guidance to the fiery flames of inspiration, the Holy Spirit has been a constant presence throughout history, guiding, empowering and comforting those who seek a deeper connection with God. Join us as we learn more about the Holy Spirit and His involvement in our daily lives.
Doors, they open, close, welcome, expose, exclude, embrace the unknown. Verse after verse, in every scripture of the Bible, a door awaits, a journey of faith, is disclosed. Join us for this new series as we go through scripture and discover moments in the word where God created doorways back to Him. Proving He is full of grace, with every door revealing His embrace. New Series, Doors Of The Bible, kicks off March 3rd and will conclude on Easter! It’s a great series to invite people to experience the incredible hope of the gospel of Jesus!
Alive and breathing? God's not done with you! And it's bigger, bolder, and more beautiful than anything you can imagine. Join us for each week of this five-week series on stepping out in faith, living a generous life, and claiming the extraordinary future that He has designed for you.
Join us for Seek Week, an opportunity for our entire church to intentionally seek the Lord through prayer and fasting. We do this at the very beginning of every year so that we can put God first every January. We invite you to join us in devoting time to prayer and seeking after the heart of God. Seek Week starts Sunday, January 7th and continues through Sunday, January 14th.
As we kick off the Christmas season at Anthem, we invite you to join us for our current message series, He Shall Be Called. Over the next four weeks we’ll dive into the attributes of God as the prophet Isaiah states in chapter 9, “He shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Join us at Anthem Church for our new message series: "More than Words." This fall, we're diving into the book of James, exploring its powerful teachings and discovering how they can shape our lives and church. Get ready to go beyond mere words and experience the transformative impact of living the Christian life as God designed.
Join us this summer at Anthem Church as we embark on a captivating sermon series taught by the Teaching Team at Anthem, exploring the seven most influential chapters penned by the Apostle Paul. Delve into Paul's timeless teachings, gain fresh insights, and be inspired by the transformative power of his writings.
Depression. Anxiety. Burn out. Mental Health. These are buzz words in the headlines and realities we’re facing in our own homes. We are in an epidemic of pain and trauma, hurt and depression, anxiety and fear. So, what does the Scripture have to say about these things? How can we find healing and help through God’s word and God’s people? Please join us during this very important series surrounding the topic of mental health, as we seek God’s wisdom for healing and wholeness in every area of our lives.
In a world full of uncertainty, disappointment, and darkness, how do we as Christians carry a spirit of hope? How do we remain steadfast and encouraged? How do we persevere and endure? The answer can be found in the hope we have surrounding the final victory of Jesus our King. We can live with a spirit of victory because we know that our God will have the final word. Join us for this powerful 5-week series, as we teach about the signs of the end times, the return of Christ, and the final judgement.
Have you ever thought about the details of what happened in the most important week in history? The events that took place during Jesus’ final days still reverberate 2,000 years later. During this series, we will be examining the history-making and world-shaking events of Jesus’ final days on the earth. Join us as we prepare our hearts for Easter during our series: FINAL DAYS.
God has done so much in our short six years at Anthem, but we know there is more! January 22nd we are kicking off a six-week series call UNFINISHED. We are passionate about calling the whole church around spiritual growth and what’s next for us. This will be a great season as we trust that Jesus always finishes what He starts!
SEEK WEEK is a chance for our entire church to intentionally seek the Lord through prayer and fasting. We do this at the very beginning of every year so that we can put God first every January. We invite you to join us in devoting time to prayer and seeking after the heart of God. Seek Week starts THIS SUNDAY! Make plans to join us on Wednesday evening, January 11th at 6:30p for a Seek Week worship night! Childcare will be offered for Birth-Kinder.
The Christmas season has a way of becoming consumed by the hustle and bustle, the dazzle of lights, and the distractions of gifts and parties. Instead of becoming consumed by the peripheral parts of Christmas, God invites us to center our hearts on the greatest gift of the season - the gift of God’s presence. Join us every Sunday during December as we prepare our hearts to experience our Everpresent God.
Do you find yourself in a season of transition? Are you discontent in your workplace? Are you struggling to understand your purpose and calling in life? No matter what season or career you find yourself in, this sermon series is for you. This four-week series is all about finding your purpose, understanding God’s original design for work, and the need for us to define our work in order to live with clarity, meaning, and focus. Join us as we discover our primary calling in life.
Who or what do you live for? Do you live for the approval of others? Do you merely live for yourself and your own happiness? We are often consumed by the many voices in our culture that tell us to live for this or that, but what does God say about it all? How do we silence the voices and live for an audience of One? How do we live for God’s approval alone? In this 8-week series, we will be examining the life of David and the way he lived his life for an audience of One. Join us as we learn how to live empowered lives for God’s glory!
Life is a collection of moments – defining moments, ordinary moments, moments of disruption, moments of clarity, and every moment in between. Each of these moments create a life. The question is what does God want to do with these moments? How does He want us to respond to the moments we face in life? Join us for this 7-week series called Moments, as we explore these different moments and how God can define each and every moment for His ultimate glory.
In a world consumed by sex, what does the Bible have to say? This is an important question that the church has ignored for far too long. During this important 7-week series, we will talk about God’s design for sex, the joys and dangers of sex, how to overcome lust, and how to pursue God’s best for your life in whatever season you find yourself in.
In a world plagued by hopelessness, we desire as a church to point you to an unshakeable hope. Jesus alone provides hope for the anxious, for the guilty, for the needy, for the broken for the weary, and for the undeserving. No matter where you find yourself in life, hope is available to you. Join us during this series as we declare that JESUS IS HOPE.
We have a dream to see waves of adults, students, and children come to faith in Jesus Christ through the ministry of Anthem Church. This dream comes from Acts 2:47, “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” With God’s help, we are believing that this same type of God-honoring revival will happen among us for the glory of God.
Inside every heart is a desire to find a place that feels like home. We desire to feel safe, secure, steady, loved, cared for, and at home. If you’re longing for this kind of peace, our God offers a beautiful invitation to each one of us to make our home in Him. During our new series, Dwell, we will look into the lives of those in Scripture who understood the transformational power of dwelling in the presence of God both now and forever. Join us, as we seek to live in His presence daily.
Are you walking through a season of darkness? Are you desperate to see a breakthrough of light? The coming of Christmas points to breakthrough. The breakthrough of light in the midst of darkness. Our God broke through the darkness when He said, “Let there be light.” Our God broke through the darkness when He sent Jesus to the earth. And, our God is willing and ready to break through your darkness and give you the light of life. You are personally invited to join us during our Christmas series, There Is a Light. When the circumstances around you feel too dark to navigate, we want you to know: There is a light that shines in the darkness, and His name is Jesus.
More. A word that often describes that insatiable desire in the depths of every human heart that’s searching for something to satisfy. Often, though, the more we seek, the more we find that nothing truly satisfies…until we find the One who offers Immeasurably More. More than all we could ask. More than all we could imagine. More than our past. More than our mistakes. Jesus offers immeasurably more. Join us as we dive into the book of Ephesians in our new series, Immeasurably More.
What if everyone lived out their faith in an authentic way? How would the world change? How would the church change? How would our relationships change? Through the power of the Spirit, we could see the world change around us by putting our faith into action. Join us over the next five weeks as we’re challenged with the thought, “What If Everyone…”
What is God’s dream for the family? In today’s world full of mixed messages, our families desperately need biblical direction, clarity, and encouragement surrounding God’s vision for the family. No matter your life stage — married, single, parent, grandparent, child, or empty nester — God has a specific plan and purpose for you in His family. Join us this weekend as we’ll explore God’s original plan for the family and how you can play an integral part in making His dream a reality.
Do you feel chronically hurried, chronically stressed, and chronically drained? Have you caught yourself saying: “I just can’t catch up. I can’t get it all done. I’m overloaded”? So many of us are feeling overwhelmed by activities, choices, work, family, and more, causing an ongoing burden on ourselves and our relationships. In this series, Living on Empty, you’ll learn practical ways to find replenishment in every area of your life. Join us as we discover the rhythms of life that God intends for you and for me.
What if I told you that it doesn’t matter how good you’ve been or how bad you’ve been – that good and bad are not the most important words in the kingdom? Instead, what if I told you about grace and how God has made a way for grace to overcome all your good and bad and give you a chance at a new beginning? In our new series, A Tale of Two Sons, you’ll hear the surprising story about the rebellion of two sons and the overwhelming, unfathomable grace of a father running after his wayward kids.
Are you desperate for a new beginning? In our upcoming series, Beginnings, we’ll be journeying through the first 11 chapters of Genesis, taking a close look at the God who started it all. During this series, you will find a God of creation who desires nearness and closeness to you. You will find a God of redemption who never gives up on you. You will find a God of promise who is faithful in the midst of our failures. You will find a God of grace, ready to extend His kindness to ever-wandering hearts. If you’re ready for a new start, join us as we rewind to the very beginning.
Seek Week is one of our favorite times around Anthem as we take the week to intentionally pray, fast, and hear from the Lord!
Have you felt your hope dwindling? The circumstances of life have a way of stealing the thrill of hope and leaving us feeling jaded and hopeless. What if this wasn’t the way God intended for us to live? What if God intends for us to experience the stabilizing, thrill of hope through every circumstance of life? In this five-week, Christmas series, The Thrill of Hope, we will journey through Matthew 1 & 2, as we experience the power of the hope found through Jesus Christ alone. Remember, hope has a name, and that name is Jesus.
We want to live in such a way that we do whatever it takes to go outside our walls into our city and our world to share the story of Jesus. Join us for this important conversation with our Associate Pastor of Students & Outreach, Andrew Hahn, about how to live a “Whatever It Takes” life.
If you can feel your blood pressure rising, your anxiety climbing sharply, and your hope plummeting every time the topic of politics comes up, you are not alone. The Good News is that because of Christ you don’t have to panic. During our series, Don’t Panic: Take Heart 2020, we will choose an eternal perspective, a kingdom focus, and an other-worldly allegiance. We will fight against division and for unity. We will place our hope in the unshakable Kingdom of God. No matter who you are: red or blue, elephant or donkey – you can experience victory no matter who is elected in November.
The fear in our world right now feels tangible. Have you been affected? It’s paralyzing, discouraging, disorienting, and defeating. But, what if I told you that you have the power to defeat the fear that feels as if it is defeating you? During our new series, Fear Is a Liar, we will cut through the fog of fear with the powerful truth of God’s Word. Join us as we expose fear with the light of truth.
How will the world know who and Whose we are? By our love. But, love is more than a word or a way of thinking. Love is an action. Love without action is superficial, and action without love is trivial. The last thing we want is to be “all talk, no action.” Join us for this 5-week series, Love Acts, where we’ll be challenged to put action behind our words.
Who is Jesus? That’s a question we all have to answer. Myth, man, or God? And, how does His life affect you ? Join us for a life-altering four-week series, as we explore who JESUS IS , and what that means for you.
The world is at war. Do you feel it? What if I told you that not one member of your family will be spared from this fight? This is the fight against sin and against the spiritual forces of the unseen world. Are you aware of the battle? Are you equipped for the fight? It’s time to prepare. THIS IS WAR.