Embracing a new season of faith, surrender, and generosity
as we boldly proclaim the life-changing
message of Jesus Christ.
Jesus always finishes
what he starts

God is building His church at Anthem! Every week, lives are being forever changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ, and we are experiencing God's Holy Spirit drawing us ever closer to Himself as disciples. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for all that He has done.
But let's be clear: God’s not finished with us yet; far from it.
As we enter the second year of our UNFINISHED vision, we expect God to do even greater things among us in the future than He has in the past. I even dare to believe that God is going to impact our city in ways we've never even dreamed possible because of what He does during this season.
Personally, I am asking God to help us grow to new levels of faith, surrender, and generosity this year. I deeply desire Him to mold us into disciples that He can use to reconcile a lost and hurting world to Himself, and I am confident He will. With God's help, let's make this coming year the greatest year of spiritual growth in our history.
I am incredibly honored to serve as your pastor, and I look forward to leading you into this year ahead!
Pastor Brad Jenkins
The Primary Goal is 100% engagement. We are inviting everyone who calls Anthem Church home to take a step of faith through God-honoring generosity.

Together, we are setting out to expand our investment in our ongoing ministries and trusting God to accelerate the life change He is already doing among us. This number represents our ministry budget for two years, including our outreach efforts to our city and world.
We want every person to take their next step in discipleship and generosity through UNFINISHED. We hope you will prayerfully consider joining us. If you’d like to learn more please click on the commit button below.